Web design

User login


Arthur R. Henderson

Mr. Henderson trusted us with the development of intelacare.com website. This project was created from scratch using Drupal. We provided a number of suggestions on the design that were then implemented in a cross-browser, xHTML/CSS valid, Fusion-based Drupal theme, along with a number of custom, fully collapsible regions and skinr classesm that are ready to be applied in all elements. Special attention was given to the slideshow, as all rendering images should fit nicely within the smartphone wrapper.

TheAniGroup (Affn)

Arthur R. Henderson

Mr Henderson trusted us with the relaunch of the currently existing website http://www.affn.com. We suggested Drupal CMS as a basis and part of our role was consultancy on best Drupal practices, among other. The web design is based on a commercial HTML template that was purchased and then converted to a cross-browser, xHTML/CSS valid, Fusion-based Drupal theme. Part of our responsibilities was also to provide tutoring on Drupal site administration topics, and to deliver the complimentary documentation.


Mr Jon Behr, accountsportal.com

Mr. Jon Behr trusted us with the Drupal design and Theme conversion tasks for the website http://www.accountsportal.com. Desings were developed with close cooperation, discussing each step, and we took into consideration all Drupal features (core, e.g. breadcrumbs etc) - and of course output by additional modules (e.g. Views and other).

Once the final designs were approved we proceeded with the development of a cross-browser, xHTML/CSS valid, Fusion-based theme. Lots of skinr custom settings were implemented to achieve maximum flexibility of this theme: Administrators can simple select a pre-defined style for an element and all data within will be themed accordingly.

MetalEra Records

MetalEra Records

This is a project we developed from scratch, working closely with the client. It included the logo and web design, that was later converted into a Drupal theme. During the development a lot of custom modules were developed, most important of which are the following:

The owner of MetalEra records was holding an inventory of all music cds/dvd/lps etc that were available in the shop in an excel list. Our task was to develop a custom module, that would automatically retrieve each record and convert it to a drupal node. Then, there came the magic:By implementing a number of free music APIs (like e.g. last.fm), these drupal nodes would be automatically updated with pictures and information not only for the Album, but for the artist as well. The retrieved info would be stored in the database to save bandwidth on future calls. So in the end, not only is there a list available online, but also a small "live" music wiki that would be updated in case information change.

A second custom module is working closely with a desktop application the client was running to keep track of the sales and clients. Everytime a client purchases a product in the shop, he/she earns userpoints that are updated in their Drupal profile and tranlated into discount for future purposes. Users have the option to pay cash or use the points any time. Future plans include the implementation of userpoints with ubercart.

it is worth noting that this project was developed under a very stressful deadline, during which we came through without loosing in quality of the deliverable.

Dumbarton United Methodist Church Site

Dumbarton United Methodist Church

Our role in this project was to provide a web design and logo for Dumbarton United Methodist Church. After a number a meetings the final design was approved by the client. Once the design was approved, we delivered a Drupal theme out of the PSD files. We used Zen theme as a basis.


Karapantelakis Athanasios

Mr Karapantelis assigned us with the design and development of his personal website. Minimal web design, drupal theming and development along with rich jquery features host his papers, research, blog, photo galleries and other. This website works with Flickr API to retrieve image albums and images that displays them under the gallery section.


Mrs. Rozanna Karatheodorou

This is the personal website of the model and photographer Mrs. Karatheodorou R. Her portfolio is presented through a themed image gallery. The strongest part of this website is the vintage design, created from scratch in photoshop then converted to drupal theme.


Mr. Emanouil Lampakis

Mr Emanouil Lampakis trusted us to create a full corporate ID and his business website. It deals with insurances and real estates. All graphics were created from scratch in photoshop, then converted to a drupal theme. The website has many custom collapsible regions and some jquery implementations. The strongest parts of the website are the custom modules that were developed in order to provide a very customized search form for real estates.


Mr. Julian Bulku

We were assigned to create a website that would present both the personal portfolio of the famous choreographer Mr. Julian Bulku and his yoga studio. All graphics were designed from scratch in Photoshop and then converted to a zen based drupal theme. A logo was designed as well. The strongest points are the clean & usable design and the dynamic photo & video gallery.


Hellenic Federation of People with Thalassaemia

One of the largest projects for one of the largest N.G.O. in Greece. This drupal website is an SMS framework working with clickatell, in order to send daily personalised SMS to thousands of members. The strongest parts of the website are the custom modules that were developed in order to fully customize the SMS Framework according to the organization's specific needs.

Greek Thalassaemia Federation (E.O.THA.) was founded in 1991 and is the national union of people with Thalassaemia (Mediterranean anaemia, Cooley' s anaemia) and Sickle Cell Disease, in Greece. It brings together the 26 local Thalassaemia Associations of the country and represents 5,000 patients and their families. It is a member of Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF), and of Greek Confederation of People with Disabilities (ESAmeA).

It is a non-profit organisation aiming at the improvement of health services provided to the patients, vocational rehabilitation and social integration, fighting against marginalisation.

For the communication needs of the organisation, we were asked to provide an accessible website for disseminating the message and services of the organisation. The website is still available at http://www.eotha.gr. Press releases, news on disability, cultural events, laws on disability, promotion of blood donation are only a few of the scopes of the portal.

Later on, we delivered a second website / service for Eotha N.G.O. , which acted as a communication/coordination portal between the main organisation and the child organisations around Greece, and also between Eotha N.G.O and its member and volunteer network. This service is a Drupal website that integrates with Clickatell.com SMS gateway, in order to send massively personalised SMS messages to configurable lists of recipients. This service provided the channels that greatly facilitated Eotha's PR department's coordination tasks, by enabling instant notifications to specific groups of people, by delivering messages promptly and efficiently.


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