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Drupal 8: How to include the node id and a class in body based on the , depending on the current path

While working on a custom bootstrap subtheme in Drupal, I needed to include specific classes in the body tag.

There are two different cases that I needed to take into consideration, one for nodes and one for custom paths generated by e.g. from Views or Taxonomy.

In the first case, I needed the node id to be included as a class, and on the second I needed a class name that was based on the path.

To achieve this, I needed to edit two different files under my subtheme category. You will need to replace themename with the actual name of your theme.


Drupal 7: Views pager not showing!

A weird issues came up after upgrading from Views version 7.x-3.7 to 7.x-3.8. The pager was missing from all views.
After making sure that there are enough results to bring up a pager, and that the pager ID was unique for each view that shows up in the same page, we noticed the one thing that all views had in common: They all used Global: PHP fields.

Drupal 7: Addressfield - Change the order of the inner fields

A request that often comes up is to change the order of the Addressfield fields.
In this example, we are creating a custom module in order to position the Country field at the bottom.
It is a very simple function, and the other elements can be positioned in a similar fashion.

Drupal 7: Heartbeat comment messages show up twice!

Heartbeat messages were showing up nicely on a project we have been working on lately, bringing up all the member activities including changing the user account details, adding or editing nodes and commenting on nodes.
Everything was working fine right out of the box - except one minor inconvenience that we noticed: all comments were showing up twice in the heartbeat stream.


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